Thursday, February 07, 2008

May I Please Ask...Why Me??!!

I am an insomniac. I have been this way for MANY years (probably since college) but it has become worse over the years. I am sure that having kids, starting a business from scratch, owning a house that does not clean itself or having a kitchen that has not figured out the fine art of cooking meals on its own and a washer and dryer that don't get the laundry done without alot of help JUST HASN'T HELPED!!!

No matter how tired I am, as soon as I lay down at night my brain flips on and needs to run down all kinds of lists and work VERY hard to create new ideas for me to work on. My dear husband says that the cure would be to just try to go to bed at 9pm. There are 2 problems with that...the first being that I loose the entire night of peace and quiet but the second being that I would probably wake up at 3am and not be able to fall back asleep. I speak from experience on that one.

So, here we are on Thursday afternoon. Just to add to my sleeping issues...everyone in my family has been sick.

Last Tuesday - Landen threw up all night
Last Thursday - Hayden threw up all night
Last Saturday - Jim had to ward off throwing up
Monday afternoon - picked up Bryden from school early with a 100.8 temperature.
Tuesday - Bryden home with 102 temp.
Wednesday - Bryden still home with 102 temp that finally broke at about 8pm.
Thursday - Landen has a 100.8 temperature.

Anyone see the pattern here??? Things are not looking good for the hope of going to bed early or that this next sickness isn't going to run through the Palmer household.

Maybe the only way that I am going to get some much needed sleep is to get sick. I know that if I end up getting sick I will be out for at least a week. So, I will get some sleep...but there will still be the issues of the house that doesn't clean itself...the washer and dryer that can't do laundry without help and a kitchen that refuses to cook meals!!

May I Please Ask...WHY ME!!?? :-)