Friday, December 22, 2006

December Pictures

I know...I know...2 posts in the same day. What is this world coming to? if I have to answer another phone call that begins with "You need to update your blog!" I may give up all together.

See, I have a million things going on in my life and that isn't to say that other people don't. I just seem to have fewer hours in my day living over here on the East Coast - 3 hours fewer to be exact.

Here are some of the things that keep me busy:

3 kids - ages 5, 3, 1 - who can't seem to do much on their own except make a mess
a house that never seems to get the hang of cleaning itself
a kitchen that WILL NOT make any meals without alot of assistance
a husband - who is able to do many things all by himself
laundry - that multiples at an astonishing rate
a job (teaching swimming lessons) - I actually have to go to the pool 15 hours a week so that money appears in our bank account
another job ( - at least I can do this one from home but it doesn't matter how much work I do on it money doesn't seem to be appearing in my bank account very quickly
this blog - that I obviously do a poor job of updating
another blog ( - that I update more frequently but it is all another job related

So, please don't phone me anymore asking for an it is. All of you on the West Coast should be thankful that you have 24 hours in a day to get everything done that you need to. 21 hours is just not enough time :-) And please remember that when it is 8pm in BC it is 11pm in Virginia.

Happy Holidays!!

Dayna, Jim, Bryden, Hayden & Landen

Hope everyone is well and having a wonderful time with family and friends. We miss you all and hope that one year we will see many of you for Christmas!!

1 comment:

L&D said...

Love that photo of you guys. I LOVE your hair that short!