Sunday, May 31, 2009

Genetic Make Up

Well, there is no question that my children - that I carried for 9 months and gave birth to without the use of drugs - do not look a thing like me.

Friends and family, acquaintances and strangers have all at one point or another made a comment something like "Your children sure do look their father."

NEWS FLASH - I KNOW!!! I do all that I can on a daily basis to find things in the children that will show me that I may have had something to do with their conception.

Yesterday Bryden and I were at the pool and as I went to put sunscreen on her I hear the most beautiful words that come out of her mouth. Words that confirm to me that she just may have some of me in her DNA.

I had a whole handful of Hawaiian Tropic sunscreen ready to apply and she says "That smells wonderful!"

It was right then that I knew that this little girl is most definitely her Mama's girl. There is NOTHING more that I love than the smell of coconut. I would wear Hawaiian Tropic sunscreen all day every day if it was necessary...kinda like perfume I suppose. It conjures up memories of Hawaii and the beach and the ocean...a place that I can't wait to take Jim and the kids to one day.

For the time being they will have to be happy with the sunscreen and a day at the pool. I will be reveling in the fact that Bryden showed a side of her today that was all me :-)

So, until tomorrow dearest blog....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought that I was the only one who had considered wearing Hawaiian Tropic as a perfume. I just love how it smells!