Saturday, June 06, 2009


OK...first of all, sorry I missed a few days of writing. It has been a crazy week.

Today's topic is INTEGRITY...

My question is "How do some people not get this quality?"

In everything I have done in my business and hopefully my life, I have done with integrity in place. My business could end up in the gutter but I would NEVER sell out my integrity to keep it.

I come across so many amazing people who possess integrity in spades and I try hard to be in their presence and then to find others like them to surround myself with.

Every once in a while a "bad apple" sneaks in....and I HATE that. I always want to give people the benefit of the doubt, that they are who they say they are. I have no reason to think otherwise at that moment. Even though I shouldn't, I go back and kick myself for being so trusting when they now prove themselves to be anything but who they presented themselves to be.

Sigh...I need to not take that stuff so personally and that is hard for me. How they conduct business has no bearing or reflection on me. That is on them. I am going to continue being a trailblazer and a visionary. People are going to want to cut me down at the ankles. I know that but I have to figure out a way to get some thicker skin or a way to hide my ankles and in the summer that is proving to be hard :-)

So, until tomorrow dearest blog....(thanks for being such a good listener...I feel a bit better already)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the hardest part about being fooled by a so called 'bad apple' is that it makes it that much harder to trust the next person. At least that's how it seems to be with me anyway.